# Stylesora

Stylesora is a CSS pattern library created to help build Musora's websites and web applications with ease. Stylesora is built on tailwind.css (opens new window) for styling and alpine.js (opens new window) for simple DOM manipulation.

# Extending Tailwind

Stylesora extends the Tailwind library with functions and directives (opens new window) and the tailwind.config file.

The @apply directive allow us to add tailwind styles to a new class or component. In addition we can add use the @layer directive to define where you want your class to be sorted. Here's an example of adding the tw-btn-primary class.

@layer components {
    /* Primary Button*/
    .tw-btn-primary {
        @apply tw-inline-block tw-whitespace-nowrap tw-select-none tw-py-2 tw-px-4 tw-rounded-full tw-border-2 tw-border-transparent tw-font-roboto-condensed tw-font-bold tw-uppercase tw-cursor-pointer tw-transition tw-text-white hover:tw-bg-gray-100 active:tw-bg-current active:tw-text-white visited:tw-text-white hover:tw-no-underline;

# In The Wild

Musora sites use css from many different sources. To avoid overriding any other class declarations, we add the tw prefix to all of stylesora's tailwind classes in the tailwind.config. Here's a simple example below.

This is an example paragraph with red text and a blue background

<!-- Tailwind base class names (this will not work) -->
<p class="text-red-500 bg-blue-100 p-2">This is an example paragraph with red text and a blue background</p>
<!-- Stylesora prefixed class names (this works!) -->
<p class="tw-text-red-500 tw-bg-blue-100 tw-p-2">This is an example paragraph with red text and a blue background</p>

# Adding Functionality

While most of Stylesora can be used as a CSS pattern library, there will be times when JS functionality is helpful. Stylesora provides this functionality with the use of Alpine.js.

# Examples

Coming Soon...


In the documentation, we've included a 'Requires JS' badge wherever Javascript is necessary.

# Contributing

If you find yourself repeating the same tailwind class patterns in your html, you might want to consider adding to the Stylesora pattern library. The CSS directory structure uses the SMACCS (opens new window) naming convention, so you can easily add your new styles in the correct place.


When adding new classes, remember to prefix them with tw-, use @apply to add you tailwind styles, and specify the @layer where you want your class to live.

Last Updated: 3/3/2021, 10:54:07 PM